Our Mentors
Ben L.
Ben M.
Career Path: Manager of Co-operative Education, Employer Relations and New Initiatives at Brock University
History/Involvement with FIRST: I was involved in establishing the robotics program at Villanova and have been a mentor for the team since the Wiredcats started. I work predominantly with the business team students.
How FIRST has impacted them: I enjoy working with the students, watching them grow and develop into confident young professionals. I take pride in their achievements. I have met so many amazing students through the FIRST program. They inspire me and I'm confident that with them as our future leaders, the world is in good hands.
Why they volunteer: I launched the FLL program at my sons' elementary school and thought the program was incredible. I was excited to help launch the program at Villanova because I knew that it would provide amazing opportunities for high school students to grow and develop in the field of STEM and to develop transferable skills that will help them succeed in the future.
What students gain from FIRST: By working alongside mentors, students develop many valuable technical and soft skills. They learn how to work as a team, to communicate effectively, to problem solve and think critically, to think creatively and come up with out-of-the box solutions and so much more! I've seen students get hired by their co-op mentors and others solidify their academic plans based on their experience in FRC. It's one of the best extracurricular programs any student could participate in!
Career Path: Went to the University of Guelph for Mechanical Engineering with a specialty in Mechatronics. Currently working in the Product Development group at Centerline.
History/Involvement with FIRST: I joined Team 772 around 2009 and became their student Electrical Leader in 2010. After a bit of a hiatus I'm glad to be helping Team 5885 now as a mechanical mentor.
How FIRST has impacted them: As a student it directed me towards the post-secondary education I chose. Including the career path I'm currently on. I'm glad to be able to give back to a program that helped mold who I am today.
Why they volunteer: Between working with several peers that help out teams and living closely to the school it was hard not to.
What students gain from FIRST: Lifelong friends. New skills. Amazing memories.
Career Path: Student at St. Clair College for CAD/CAM, working at Field Mold Solutions on Mold Analysis and Design.
History/Involvement with FIRST: I joined the team in 2016, during the teams second year. I was on the mechanical subteam for my first year and a half before switching to electrical. In my third year I became the controls subteam lead, then the teams first female driver in 2020. I am now back mentoring the next group as an electrical and CAD mentor.
How FIRST has impacted them: FIRST has allowed me to build amazing things, meet great people, as well as shape my career path into something I love. It also allowed me to earn several different scholarships to further my education at a post secondary level.
Why they volunteer: I came back to mentor as I deeply enjoyed my time on the team, and all the opportunities it provided me. I wanted to give back to the school and the new students so they could experience the same excitement I did.
What students gain from FIRST: Students gain not only technical and hands on skills, but also gain confidence in themselves and their abilities. Students learn public speaking, networking, and budgeting, as well as different engineering skills.
Career Path: I'm in electrical engineering at the University of Windsor and am currently on a co-op term with Telus. I've done other co-op terms at Vistaprint and Centerline.
History/Involvement with FIRST: I was a founding member of the team when I was in grade 9 and participated for all 4 years of high school. I was involved in the programming team at first and then switched to mechanical. I was also heavily involved in scouting in my last year.
How FIRST has impacted them: FIRST helped inspire me to go into engineering. It also gave me a lot of real world experience with robotics that I would never have recieved through normal courses, even in university. I've met many of my best friends through robotics and almost all of my best memories in high school came from being on the team. It has also helped me make connections that helped me get one of my co-op positions at Centerline, as my boss was a mentor on the team.
What students gain from FIRST: Lots of hands on experience that will be applicable to their everyday lives (like how to use tools, computer skills, etc). Also lots of great friendships and connections that may help them in the future.
Nick B.
Career Path: Went to University of Windsor for Mechanical Engineering with a specialty in Materials. Currently working in the weld gun design group at Centerline
History/Involvement with FIRST: I was a member of the team when it was first founded as the Electrical Leader for the 2016 and 2017 seasons.
How FIRST has impacted them: FIRST is what drew me into engineering and created strong friendships that I hold today
Why they volunteer: I want to provide the experience that I had to the future generations
What students gain from FIRST: They gain a great support network and friends!
Nick C.
Career Path: Currently a third year student at the University Of Windsor pursuring an Electrical Engineering degree,
History/Involvement with FIRST: I started on the Wiredcats robotics team back in 2017/2018 (one year after when ever the team started) on the programming team. Having done programming before but having no physicsl hands on expereience with programming a robot I was super interested. After graduating from the team I came back as a programming mentor to help team the future students of team 5885.
Why they volunteer: Robotics is a great place to get a bunch of practical experience with real world experience and make great friends with other students and experts in the industry.
What students gain from FIRST: Students gain knowledge that will help them solve many problems in the future no mater what they are going into to. It also looks great on resumes. I have been asked about my experience on the robotics team by every employer I have interviewed with.
Career Path: Student at the University of Windsor studying communications, media, and film
History/Involvement with FIRST: I first started doing FIRST Lego league from 2016-2017, then moved on to FIRST robotics competition from 2018-2020 as an electrical and programming student, and then moved on to doing business and media as an alumni
How FIRST has impacted them: FIRST allowed me to meet amazing people who I hold dear to my heart
Why they volunteer: After my grades 11 & 12 years were cut short due to the pandemic, I knew that the team would need some help getting back to what it was, so I came back to get us back on the right track for our next season
What students gain from FIRST: Students gain connections, learn skills, meet new friends who share similar interests, and have a lot of fun