4 letters that mean everything to the Wiredcats.

But what do they mean to you?

The Wiredcats' motto it GRIT, a 4-letter acronym that encapsulates everything the Wiredcats stand for. The meaning of GRIT is:

Our team has shown the values and importance of GRIT in many ways.

As the team has continued to prosper, we also continue to grow, both in numbers, and in knowledge. Every year we enhance and expand our knowledge in different fields and try to learn something new as well.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, the team was in a rough spot, but nonetheless, we continued to shine thanks to our value of resilience. Despite the many setbacks we face, we are always ready to get back up and dust ourselves off.

FRC is about more than robots, it's about the work it does to inspire students to invest their time and academics in the world of STEM. Bigger than that, it is also about those same students using their knowledge and love of STEM to inspire younger students and getting them to realize how important STEM fields are in our world. The outreach our team does strives to educate and inspire the future generations.

Of course, you can't have a team without teamwork! Without the everlasting bonds that our team crafts, building a robot would not be possible, which is why teamwork is an incredibly important aspect of our team. Beyond that, the friendships this team builds have proven to last years, as evident by the students themselves and our many alumni who jump at the chance to return to help mentor the team thanks to all the fun memories.

With GRIT, the Wiredcats are able to consistently exceed expectations and continue to prosper in FRC and their community.